Yuhang Guo (郭宇航)

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at UNSW Sydney. Before that, I obtained my master's and bachelor's degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). My current research is mainly about computational economics: algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, etc.

Email: guoyuhang0921 at gmail.com or yuhang.guo2 at unsw.edu.au

[Biography] | [Research Interests] | [Publications] | [Services] | [Awards] | [Links]


Research Interests

Research Areas:
  • Networked Mechanism Design: diffusion auction, incentive referral design
  • Computational Social Choice with Uncertainty: ABC voting with uncertain preferences, Online Cooperative Game

  • Algorithmic Game Theory, Mechanism design
  • Computational Complexity, Random/Approximation/Parameterized Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Economics, Combinatorial Optimization


  • Y. Guo, D. Hao, M. Xiao, B. Li, "Networked Combinatorial Auction for Crowdsourcing and Crowdsensing", IEEE IoT-J, 2024.
  • Y. Guo, D. Hao, "Emerging Methods of Auction Design in Social Networks", IJCAI, 2021.

Working Papers

*: alphabetical order
  • Y. Huang, D. Hao, Y. Guo, B. Li, "Reserve Price and Approximate Revenue Maximization in Economic Networks", Submitted.
  • Y. Guo, D. Hao, B. Li, M. Xiao, B. Khoussainov, "Strategyproofness and Implementation of Auction Design in Social Networks", Submitted.
  • * H. Aziz, Y. Guo, V. Kagita, B. Rastegari, M. Suzuki. "Social Welfare Maximization in Approval-Based Committee Voting under Uncertainty", Submitted.
  • * H. Aziz, Y. Guo, Z. Sun. "Participation Incentive in Online Cooperative Game", Submitted.
  • Y. Guo, D. Hao, Y. Lei, "Nested Search Advertising", Submitted.


Technical Review:

  • Social Choice and Welfare (SCW), Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ)
  • (sub-reviewer) AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI, ECML-PKDD


  • Excellent graduate student of Sichuan Province and UESTC, 2023
  • Outstanding Master's Thesis, UESTC, 2023
  • China National Scholarship for Graduate Students, 2021
  • Honorable Mention (Second Prize) of Mathematical Contest In Modeling and Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling, 2019
  • First Prize in Sichuan Division of China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2018

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